It has come to our attention that some have perceived that we are a 'pagan only event' and we wish to correct this and apologize for any misconception. Hexical Productions is not a "Wiccan" event organization. While some members staff are Pagan, we all have varying personal beliefs. Our events are themed by magic and lore of the Pagan Solstices with respect, and inspired by reality and history but still fantasy in nature and aesthetic. All are welcome and respected from all walks of life and belief. We want to be a welcoming and inclusive space for all, and hope to see you at our next event!

How do I participate as a designer?

Due to each event being annual we have different opening times for applications. Please join the VIP group,

follow us on social media or join the discord for when applications become available!

How can I participate as a blogger?

Blogging applications are by invite only. Feel free to send a notecard with your basic information to Miwa Bunny in-world.

Do you have a VIP group?

You can Join Here

How can I keep updated with Hexical Productions and all you do?

You can join our VIP group or locate any of our socials on the footer of this page. We also advertise through many media outlets in SecondLife.

Do you have a cam sim?

We do not.

Do you accept adult content?

There is a difference between adult and explicit. We allow ADULT, tasteful nudity in ads is fine. EXPLICIT content is not allowed.