We are Hexical Productions Events, brought to you by ADHD!

Our objective? To revolutionize the SecondLife event landscape—injecting it with a touch of brilliance, or perhaps a hint of mystery... bats, cobwebs, all in good fun!

We commence by curating a stellar lineup of exceptional designers, set against the backdrop of an immersive, vibrant themed event space designed to showcase their talents.

Anticipate thrilling new releases, engaging hunts, and a welcoming, albeit occasionally whimsical, community.

Our straightforward yet heartfelt principles encompass:

  • Diligence in meeting deadlines and organizing events, all while upholding the utmost respect for our designers.

  • Absence of penalties for delayed setups.

  • Above all: Authenticity.

So, delve into the realm of Hexical Productions!

Our annual events serve as a platform for creators to come together, unveil remarkable new creations,

and ensure that everyone revels in the experience.


Browse our links in the bar above, meet the team - see our faq - Our media Partners, or to view some infomration on our events. We also have a community discord and socials!